28 Feb 2011

Mary's Love

This is a very special post....this is from someone I call FRIEND...who is going through so many struggles of her own....yet she stopped to show someone love.....I am so honored to call her friend.....from deep within I thank her and proudly present her words for  
Bongo is Me


Saturday, February 26, 2011
For a Very Special Person

This poem is dedicated to a very special person, someone who I have met through my blogging. She has had a drastic change in her life recently that has left her devastated. She is a woman who has so much to offer and has helped me through difficult times in my life unselfishly, even when her own world is crumbling around her. God has blessed her with a unique gift all of her own and right now, she is in a place that she is having a hard time seeing the direction her life should take. Some of my readers will know this woman as well, some will not. I ask that regardless, you keep her in your prayers and ask God to lessen the burden she is carrying.

Golden times -you & me- fading into memory ...
My heart is hurting
I have a friend
She is hurting

What can I do
How can I help
I am here

holding hands - age 10, and age 8
From young to old
She has been misfortuned
To experience what no one should

She has tried to be strong
Has made great strides
Then, she is taken back

Taken back to a sad time
So hard for her to catch her breathe,
So difficult to think

My friend, so hard to trust
So hard to love
So hard to accept love

We hear you
We see you
We love you
We are here for you

Sunrise on the beach during the For you my friend
A safe place
Hear the sounds of the water

Feel the heat of the sun
On your skin
Bask in the waves of the water
Be at peace

And remember
We are, as always
Here for you.

And Grab Mary's badge : It looks like this 
Other than Mary's Love for others she has a very important and informative Website for anyone who has children with food allergies and/or celiac.
Mary has love for so many... I am proud to call her friend!
