24 Mar 2011

Jorie Pacli on Raising Amelie

A very special fellow blogger who tends to travel quite a bit has decided to make a quick stop-over here on my little island.. Yes Jorie Pacli from The Long & Winding Road has landed here on my Principality and has sent a lovely Post Card.. I thank you so much Jorie!

He - The Dad

He gives her hugs and kisses
He makes her morning toast
He cares for his only daughter
That's why I created this post.

French toast fluff and nutella sammich

His words are seldom spoken
His wants are very few
His desires may be unspoken
But Amelie loves him so

He is his daughter's protector,
His teddy bear or two.
His biggest fear is losing his baby
Seeing her on her wedding, so
He gives her cuddles and kisses
A dozen of roses too.
But Amelie's only wish among wishes
Is to play the Star Wars pieces with you.

Star Wars Chess Set (Empire)

Before Amelie changes her mind and bramble
Let me play "Yellow" by Coldplay that I stumble
This one is for Amelie and his daddy
Who enjoys each other's company.

Gracias Jorie you are a special friend... now go check her out! She Hot! HERE!!!!
