21 Nov 2010
It was so entertaining because even though I had seen it many years ago, this time I had to really pay attention. The reason being was that my now 2 years and 10 month old would not stop asking questions on every aspect of what was happening in front of us.
'Why is the alien doing that? Why is elliott sad? Why is the little girl scared? Oh look! The aliens happy! Why does that man want to catch E.T?
These questions made me concentrate on the right answers, positive responses that won't frighten or confuse my little movie critic. Responses that would show that we all can love those that are different, to show that those we may find weird are no different from us in their hearts.
The movie in itself shows how Steven Spielberg could show a world through a child's eyes. The innocence and expectancy are tangible. I can tell you too, because, I am a man that near the end when they're saying their goodbye's I had the lump in the throat and then the tears (again!) Especially the lines,
E.T, "Come".
Elliott, "Stay".
NO matter how many times I see it and feel the emotions by the visuals as well as the score by John Williams I just lose it. Fortunately my small director was still asking questions about the scenery, colour and emotions expressed by the actors that I quickly reined in my emotions and composed myself as to answer as best I could.
The reason I put this movie on for Amelie was to show how we can get along and make friends with anyone or anything no matter how strange or different they may be from us. I know she probably won't remember or maybe she will? But I know for certain, she will revisit it over and over again.
And I hope when Amelie is older and has watched it again, my little Alien remembers to 'Phone Home!'
"The reason I put this movie on for Amelie was to show how we can get along and make friends with anyone or anything no matter how strange or different they may be from us." :) Great "software" input there :) Children are the next generation... our hope for the future. Lovely piece.
Thank you for visiting and remember to phone your loved ones! hehe
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